TITLE I Parent & Family Engagement

 The Title I program for parents is designed to 1) Inform parents about Title I regulations and resources, 2) involve parents in local Title I decisions, 3) provide meeting and training opportunities, and 4) encourage active participation of parents in their children’s schools and education.

Title I Parent and Family Engagement Plan

The Title law requires the meaningful engagement of parents and staff in the planning, development and design of the annual school Parent and Family Engagement Plan. This plan is a collaborative guide for improving student achievement with the support of Title I funds. Clay Springs Elementary values the input of our parents, PTA Board, School Advisory Council, staff, and Partners in Education. Together, we review progress monitoring and assessment data, parent surveys, and PTA / SAC suggestions. We invite you to review our PAFEP for the 2024- 2025 school year and share any suggestions with Principal Smith by October 20, 2024.

Clay Springs Elementary PAFEP 
1 PAFEP 24 25 _ English Full Version _ Clay Springs Elementary.docx
2 PAFEP Spanish Full Version _ Clay Springs Elementary.pdf
3 PAFEP Haitian Creole Full Version _ Clay Springs Elementary.pdf