Welcome to Clay Springs Elementary, home of the proud Black Bears! I am Christine Muchow. I am an Orlando, FL native and graduate of OCPS Title I schools - Go Oak Ridge Pioneers! Following in that tradition, my children also graduated from OCPS Title I schools. My 5-year-old grandson attends kindergarten at Zellwood Elementary, continuing our family legacy.
It's an honor and pleasure to support the families of Clay Springs Elementary as the Parent Engagement Liaison. In this role, I serve as a bridge between home, school, and community services. I am entrusted with empowering our families with the knowledge and resources to support a positive mindset in setting and achieving student academic success.
You are welcome to visit me in the Black Bear Family Resource Center room 107, anytime during school hours. Additionally, you can reach out to me via Talking Points, email at [email protected], or call me at 407 884-2275 ext. 3172237.
Please check out our monthly Family Night events, Parent Empowerment Workshops, district Parent Academy, and Learn Where You Live virtual training! These are fantastic opportunities to connect with other families, gather information, and access resources for your child.
Once again, welcome to Clay Springs Elementary! When you're here, you're part of an amazing school family!