Second Grade

2nd grade

2nd Grade Information

Clay Springs Elementary

2nd Grade Supply List


Curriculum Information
OCPS Parent Guide


2- Dozen #2 pencils, sharpened (Ticonderoga preferred)

1- Crayola crayons, 24 count

1- Crayola markers, 10 Count

1- Pencil box, plastic

2- One subject spiral notebooks

2- Plastic Folders with pockets and prongs

4- Elmer’s glue sticks, washable

1- Personal Headphones (not earbuds or bluetooth)

2- Clorox Wipes

2- Box Facial tissue

1- Bottle Hand Sanitizer

2- Pack of Black EXPO Markers

1- Child’s safety scissors

1- box of sandwich bags (girls)

1- box of gallon sized bags (boys)